Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How Can I Avoid Keyword Abuse?

You can avoid keyword or keyphrase abuse by writing naturally. Your readers want to hear what you have to say. Stuffing your article with keywords in an effort to gain more traffic will be transparent. You stand to lose your readers' trust and it diminishes your credibility as an expert. If your reader doesn't feel that you have their best interest in mind, they'll go elsewhere.
Here is a real life example of an article that is keyword stuffed:

This 325 word article had the following stats in just the article body:
Keyphrase: debt settlements occurs 9 times (2.7%)
Keyword: debt occurs 17 times (5.2%)
Keyphrase: debt settlements occurs 14 times (4.3%)
Keyword: debt occurs 35 times (10.8%)

We recommend that you do not add more than one keyword/keyphrase for every 100 words.